Invited Speakers
Professor Toshihiko HASEGAWA
President, Future Health Research Institute, Japan
East Asian Position in World Ageing and Health & Social Transition
Prof. Hasegawa is President of the Future Health Research Institute. He is a retired Professor of Nippon Medical School after a long career in the Japanese government, including development of elderly care policy and management of Japanese national hospitals. He graduated from Harvard School of Public Health for MPH, from Osaka University Medical School for MD, and finished General Surgical Residency in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
He has taught at many medical schools in Japan as Visiting Professor of health policy and hospital management. He has done research on health policy, health sector reform, planning and evaluation of disease management program, hospital strategic management and international health. Prof. Hasegawa has published many papers and books about ageing society, international health, health policy, hospital management, health care delivery system and safety and quality of care including the Hospital Strategic Management in 2002 (that has been translated in Korean, Thai, Russian and Chinese) and the International Symposium on Health Transition and Health Sector Reform in Asia in 1998.
Professor Peter P. YUEN
Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE)
Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BA, MBA [S.U.N.Y. (Buffalo)]; PhD (Birm.); FCHSM (Aust.)
Tax-based Health Financing Sustainability: Examining the Effects of Demographics, Medical Inflation and Economic Growth in Hong Kong by 2039
Prof. Peter P. Yuen is Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He is also Professor of PolyU’s Department of Management and Marketing. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Master in Business Administration degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health Economics from the University of Birmingham, UK.
Prior to his appointment as Dean of CPCE, Prof. Yuen held a number of management positions at PolyU, including Associate Vice-President (Management), Director of the Public Policy Research Institute, and Head of the Department of Management. He was also the founding Director of the Doctor of Business Administration programme in the Faculty of Business.
Prof. Yuen’s research mainly focuses on public policy formulation and evaluation, and health services management. He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Public Administration and Policy and an Editorial Committee member of Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. He was also a consultant for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Bauhinia Foundation on a number of public policy related projects including the West Kowloon Cultural District, Sustainable Built Environment, Subsidised Homeownership, Managed Care in Hong Kong, and Health Systems Reform.
Prof. Yuen is currently the Immediate Past Chairman of the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (Hong Kong). He has served as a member of the HKSAR Government Manpower Development Committee, Health and Medical Development Advisory Committee, and the Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education. He is a founding Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Health Services Executives, and an Honorary Fellow of the Australian College of Health Services Management. He once served as Vice-President of the Chinese National Institute of Health Care Management Education, and President of the Hong Kong Public Administration Association.
Professor Kenneth Kwing-Chin LEE
Professor of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Monash University Malaysia
Innovative Patient access Schemes to New Pharmaceuticals for the Elderly
Prof. Lee obtained his undergraduate degree in pharmacy from the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, and his subsequent higher qualifications from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the University of Oxford, UK.
He is widely recognised as one of the pioneers in pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research in Asia, and was the founding president of the Hong Kong Chapter of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research that was established in 1999. Prof. Lee was Professor and Associate Director of External Affairs of the CUHK School of Pharmacy, of which he was a founding member before he moved to Malaysia.
His concurrent academic appointments include Adjunct Professor of the CUHK School of Pharmacy, Honorary Professor of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong, and Visiting Professor of the University of London School of Pharmacy, UK (2008-2011). Prof. Lee has also maintained very close links with academic institutions in mainland China for many years and has served as visiting scholar at a number of universities there.
He was appointed by the HKSAR Government as a Justice of the Peace in 2003 for his outstanding community services. He has published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Medical Economics (UK) since 2006 and recently appointed as the Co-Editor of Value in Health Regional Issue (US).
Professor Dongwoon HAN
Professor, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, South Korea
Bridging Health Care and Social Care for Elderly in Korea
Prof. Dongwoon HAN, MD, MPH, PhD (in health service management) is a Professor at College of Medicine, Hanyang University, College of Medicine, and the Chairperson of Global Health and Development. He was also a chairperson of both the Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, and the Department of Medical Administration at Graduate School of Public Policy. He is also currently the Director of Institute of Health Services Management, Hanyang University. He received a bachelor’s degree in medicine from College of Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, master’s degree (MPH) from Seoul National University, Graduate School of Public Health, and a doctoral degree from The University of Birmingham (UK). Prof. Han was a member of WHO working group for various health related topics including traditional medicine. For many years, he has worked as short-term consultant at many developing countries, Vietnam, Nepal, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Peru, Honduras and so on. In his country, he has advised national and local governments on health promotion, health planning, and Official Development Assistant (in Health). Since 2004, he has been working to establish a public health programme using traditional Korean medicine in public health care system. Prof. Han is serving as Director of the National Traditional Korean Medicine Research and Development Centre. From 2010 to 2012, he had also directed a research team on the evaluation of Korean Case Payment System (KCPC) funded by the Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA).
Professor Tomonori HASEGAWA
Professor and Chair, Division of Health Policy and Health Service Research Department of Social Medicine, Toho University School of Medicine of Japan
Social and Health Sector Reform towards 2040 in Japan
Professor Hasegawa is Professor and Chair of the Division of Health Policy and Health Service Research Department of Social Medicine at the Toho University School of Medicine of Japan. He had his medical education at the Tokyo University School of Medicine, where he also received his Doctor of Philosophy. He was previously a Resident at the Tokyo University Hospital in Internal Medicine.
He is a member of the Japanese Society of Public Health, Japanese Society of Hygiene, Japanese Society of Transplantation, Japanese Society of Hospital Administration, and Japanese Society of Healthcare Management. He also holds membership of the following specialist councils or committees: Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare, Committee on Disclosure of Healthcare Information, Committee on the Administration of Healthcare Organisations, Cabinet Office Council for Regulatory Reform, Office for the Promotion of Regulatory Reform and Private Finance Initiative, Japan Council for Quality in Health Care Center for Medical Accident Prevention (vice-chair).
Prof. Hasegawa’s research background includes health policy, health economics, and quality assessment of health care.
Dr ZHANG Hui (Vivienne 張慧)
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Sun Yat-sen University
Costs of Hospitalization for Stroke from Two Urban Health Insurance Claims Data in Guangzhou City, Southern China
Dr Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management of the Sun Yat-sen University in China. She received her PhD in health economics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and her MSc in economics from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
As a doctoral student, she spent one year as a visiting scholar at the School of Public Health of the University of California in the Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr Zhang’s research focus is health economics, especially health insurance reform, health care financing, health policy evaluation, and cost-effectiveness analysis.
Dr The Honourable LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP
Chief Executive Officer, Haven of Hope Christian Service and
Member of Executive Council, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Primary Healthcare: Enhancing Health and Dignity
Dr Lam is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Haven of Hope Christian Service. He also serves as Chairman of the Elderly Commission and Elderly Care Service Industry Training Advisory Committee as well as Member of the Steering Committee on Primary Healthcare Development and Ex-officio Member of the Family Council. Dr Lam was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2019.
Dr Christopher LUM Chor Ming
Consultant Geriatrician, Shatin Hospital, Hospital Authority of Hong Kong
Ageing in Place – Where Are We Now and the Challenges Ahead
Dr Christopher LUM Chor-ming received his bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery from The University of Hong Kong and his master’s degree in Public Health from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also a Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Australasia, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. Currently, Dr Lum is a Consultant of the Medical & Geriatric Unit in Shatin Hospital and the Chairman of Specialty Board in Geriatric Medicine in the Hong Kong College of Physicians. He also has experience in delivery management training workshops for executive organised by the Hospital Authority, such as Leadership Greatness Workshop, Thinktoys – Creative Thinking Workshop, LEAN Overview for Senior Executives / Managers and Project Planning & Control.
Ir Dr Eric TAM
Associate Dean of Students / Head of Office of Student Resources and Resident Life / Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Gerontechnology: Solution to Successful Ageing?
Ir Dr. Eric W. C. Tam received his bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics from McMaster University, Canada and MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Saskatchewan, Canada in 2004 and 2006 respectively. Dr. Tam gained his PhD from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2003. Dr. Tam is now the Director of the Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre and Assistant Professor of the Department Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. Tam is also the Associate Dean of Students and the Head of the Office of Student Resources and Residential Life. Ir Dr. Tam has over twenty years of experience in providing assistive technology services to the local community. His professional interests include the application of Assistive Technologies for the elderly and the disabled, Environmental Accessibility as well as the Etiology and Prevention of Pressure Ulcer.
Ms Samantha Yuen Chun CHONG
President, Hong Kong College of Nursing and Health Care Management
Associate Professor (Nursing Practice), School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong
Healthy Death: Will It be a Solution for Challenge of Ageing Population in Hong Kong?
Ms Samantha Yuen Chun CHONG is currently an Associate Professor (Nursing Practice) in the School of Nursing and the Nursing Director, HKU Health System under LKS Faculty of Medicine.
Ms Chong has been working in both public and private healthcare sectors since 1977 as a Student Nurse, Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife, Head Nurse, Nursing Officer, Nurse Counsellor, Nurse Specialist, Senior Nursing Officer, Executive Partner, Deputizing Department Operations Manager, Senior Nurse Manager, Chief Nursing Officer with experience in clinical services, professional education, nursing management and hospital administration in acute, convalescent and rehabilitation hospitals as well as clinics and centers.
Apart from nurturing younger generations and influencing potential nursing leaders to be competent, caring, holistic and person-centered nurses, she is also interested in evidence-based and applicable research, Chinese-Western integrative nursing, quality, safety and risk management, leadership and management, clinical mentorship, health education and promotion, on-line learning, elderly and dementia care, bereavement oncology palliative and end of life care, breastfeeding and depression, care for carer, occupational safety and health, mental health wellbeing, voluntary and community services.
She hopes that, through the concerted efforts among school educators, clinical staff and hospital managers, healthcare personnel as a whole can provide safe, quality, loving and professional care to the people they serve.
The conference is partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS24/18)