CPCE Health Conference 2020

Parallel Session D: Application of Technology in Aged Health and Safety

  1. Innovative Virtual Reality Simulation as Practice Tools for Dementia
  2. W. K. POON, CUHK; B. Y. C. LAU, IVE (Kwai Chung)

  3. Comparative Analysis of Policy in End-of-Life Issues in Hong Kong and Macau
  4. Fowie S. F. NG, HKCHSE; H. C. MA, Kiang Wu Hospital

  5. Medical Training with Virtual Reality (VR) for the Aged
  6. Y. M. TANG, PolyU; Joseph Y. Y. LAU, PolyU CPCE

  7. Deployment of Virtual Reality (VR) to Promote Green Burial
  8. Joseph Y. Y. LAU, PolyU CPCE; Y. M. TANG, PolyU; Adolf K. Y. NG, University of Manitoba; Ivy N. M. CHAN, PolyU CPCE

  9. Reflection on the Study of Brain Health and Dementia (大腦健康與認知障礙症照顧的個人反思)
  10. 黃承志 Leader S. C. WONG, PolyU SPEED

The conference is partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS24/18)