CPCE Health Conference 2020

Parallel Session F: Service Learning and Ageing

  1. Achieving Elder’s Ego Integrity by Instrumental Reminiscence Intervention (IRI)
  2. Morris W. K. LEUNG, Sik Sik Yuen

  3. Providing Elderly Care through Service-Learning: A Case Study and Proposal to Generate Subject Ideas in an Effective Manner
  4. Patrick K. C. CHAN, PolyU CPCE

  5. Community Ageing with Health and Dignity through a Service Learning Initiative
  6. Ben Y. F. FONG, PolyU CPCE; Hilary H. L. YEE, PolyU SPEED; Tommy K. C. NG, PolyU SPEED; Billie S. M. CHOW, PolyU CPCE

  7. Treasure in Elderly Home – A Service Learning Experience at Ho Wong Neighborhood Centre for Senior Citizens
  8. Roderick C. H. FUNG, PolyU SPEED

  9. Active Ageing 開心 Share: to Solicit Solutions to Ageing from a Multidisciplinary Perspective

The conference is partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS24/18)