Parallel Session F: Service Learning and Ageing
- Achieving Elder’s Ego Integrity by Instrumental Reminiscence Intervention (IRI)
- Providing Elderly Care through Service-Learning: A Case Study and Proposal to Generate Subject Ideas in an Effective Manner
- Community Ageing with Health and Dignity through a Service Learning Initiative
- Treasure in Elderly Home – A Service Learning Experience at Ho Wong Neighborhood Centre for Senior Citizens
- Active Ageing 開心 Share: to Solicit Solutions to Ageing from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Sharing of Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Sharing of Intergenerational Experience
- Sharing of Employment
- Sharing of Contributions to Society
Morris W. K. LEUNG, Sik Sik Yuen
Patrick K. C. CHAN, PolyU CPCE
Ben Y. F. FONG, PolyU CPCE; Hilary H. L. YEE, PolyU SPEED; Tommy K. C. NG, PolyU SPEED; Billie S. M. CHOW, PolyU CPCE
Roderick C. H. FUNG, PolyU SPEED
Ada L. H. NG, PolyU Institute of Active Ageing
Louis K. L. TONG, PolyU Institute of Active Ageing
Cecily K. K. PANG, PolyU Institute of Active Ageing
CK C. K. NG, PolyU Institute of Active Ageing
The conference is partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS24/18)